Here’s where these cannabis strains got their weird names

Lots of cultural norms in the cannabis space might be considered odd in other circles. Understanding basic chemistry to shop a dispensary might be one, and weird strain names may be another.
From the legends of Cat Piss to the magic of Unicorn Poop, there are some downright silly things that breeders and growers name cannabis varieties. These are some of the weirdest.
Permanent Marker
Before earning this moniker, the Permanent Marker strain was called many other things, including Adios MF and Gunnpowwder. Seed Junky Genetics created the variety from Jealousy, a Sherbert back cross, and Biscotti. The result is a dark purple, exceptionally dense nugget of weed with a sharp aroma some find similar to an actual permanent marker.
Cheetah Piss
When it was dropped, this sativa hybrid was the gassiest weed variety in the Cookies lineup. The Cheetah Piss strain crosses Gelato 42, Lemonnade, and Pound Cake–no Cat Piss strain or big cat urine involved. It combines the scent of yellow sports drink powder mix and jet fuel to create a pungent but pleasant aroma. Cheetah Piss is worth a toke, even if the name is a little odd.
Meat Breath
Indica-dominant Meat Breath comes from a long lineage of breaths, including Peanut Butter Breath and Garlic Breath. Overall, hearing Meat Breath at the dispensary is probably the weirdest.
This flower is a cross of Mendo Breath and Meatloaf, a rare indica strain. Little is known about Meatloaf except that people claim it has a “meaty” taste. The Meat Breath strain carries some of
this into its sweet, earthy aroma.
Alaskan Thunderf*ck
Alaskan Thunderf*ck is also known as Matanuska, Matanuska Thunderfuck, ATF, Matanuska Kush, and Matanuska Tundra. It is a strain of many names, but all point to one plant. Its origins have been said to be a remote Alaskan island in the Matanuska Valley. The flower is not easy to find anymore, but those who want it are looking because it’s usually gorgeous and frosty with a euphoric high.
It feels counterintuitive to pack a bowl of GMO after hearing so many negative things about GMO fruits and veggies. Luckily, that stigma does not apply to the GMO strain, a cross of Girl Scout Cookies and Chem Dog.
The resulting hybrid provides an even keel effect and a scent that created its acronym: garlic, mushroom, and onions. There aren’t many savory weed strains in the world. That is why the garlicky lineage led to bangers like Garlic Breath.
Cap Junky
This weed name evokes thoughts of Captain Jack Sparrow, but it’s a nod to the breeders who collaborated to create it. Seed Junky and Capulator combined Kush Mints and Alien Miracle into the Cap Junky strain, an uplifting sativa with aromatic notes of mint, fruit, and cream.
Donny Burger
Skunk House Genetics has become known as the Home of the Burger thanks to Han Solo Burger, the parent of the Donny Burger strain. The other parent in this variety is a clone of GMO, which melds into an intricate savory lemon scent. After a toke, there are no worries about weird strain names or lineages because Donny Burger may push the relaxation button in one puff.
Super Boof
In the weed world, the term boof is synonymous with shwag–it means the weed, vape, oil, or other product is low quality. That is what makes naming a strain Super Boof strange, but that’s just what breeder Blockhead wanted people to think.
The flower is fire and wasn’t always named Super Boof. Many say that Blockhead launched the weed as Blockberry before another grower got a clone and renamed it. Whatever the name, this isn’t boof at all.
Weird names, good weed
Cannabis isn’t all smoke and vapor. There is history in every product. This history is reflected in each name, most times. Other times, breeders are just having a good time and being silly. Either way, these weed varieties have some pretty serious people saying things like, “One eighth of Cheetah Piss, please.” And that is pure comedy.