Your guide to cannabis dispensaries in Saline County, Illinois

Our GreenState Curators independently research and recommend merchants in these cannabis dispensaries in Saline County, Illinois, listings. There is no newsroom involvement in this process. Merchants can pay for a sponsored listing. Any paid listings are marked as “Paid Advertisement” and include a disclaimer on the merchant-provided content for transparency.
If you’re looking for quality cannabis dispensaries in Saline County, we’ve put together the only guide you’ll need. In this list, you will find recreational cannabis dispensaries in the area with highly-trained budtenders, product variety, reasonable price points, and quality customer service.
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From the Garden of the Gods to the gateway to Shawnee National Forest, Saline County contains some of the most stunning natural scenes in the entire American Midwest. Why not bring along some extra green to appreciate the mountains and rivers that much more? Whether you have an Illinois Medical Marijuana card or are seeking to purchase cannabis for recreational use, Saline County has dispensaries that are ready to answer your call.
Our team of curators compiled the dispensaries on this list according to a strict set of criteria. Each dispensary was vetted according to objective, third-party data for four qualities: licensure to sell recreational cannabis in the state of Illinois, top online ratings, highly qualified budtenders, and driving distance from the heart of Saline County. We’ve combed through volumes of reviews so you can choose wisely.
Thrive Harrisburg
Thrive’s Harrisburg location is one of two Thrive locations in Illinois (the other being Anna) that offers a full medical menu alongside a full recreational menu. They are open seven days a week as early as 9 a.m. and as late as 8 p.m.
Located on the same corner of Harrisburg as the historic Shawnee Hills Antique Mall, Thrive Harrisburg offers a robust variety of cannabis products. Shop disposable and reusable vape pens from In House, tasty edibles from Bubby’s Baked and Betty’s Eddies, cannabis-infused topicals, tinctures, and beyond. Ask about the Thriver Rewards program to get access to flash discounts and notified about special sales.
Get Directions:
105 Veterans Dr., Harrisburg, IL 62946
Consume Cannabis Company
Just next door to Saline County in Williamson County is Consume Cannabis Company. Education is at the heart of everything the dispensary does. Though Consume keeps the shelves in its Marion location stocked with the latest and greatest cannabis products, their commitment to the community goes beyond sales.
The Consume New Visitor’s Guide contains detailed explainers for Illinois medical patients and dispensary users and a step-by-step guide to applying for an Illinois medical marijuana card through the Medical Cannabis Patient Program. Weekly posts are uploaded to the Consume blog on topics ranging from the potential benefits of humulene to the function of cannabinoid receptors. When you’re ready to shop, Consume carries flower, pre-rolls, vapes, extracts, concentrates, edibles, tinctures, and more, available online and in-store just over Saline County limits in Marion.
Get Directions:
8195 Express Dr., Marion, IL 62959
Cannabis Dispensaries in Saline County, Illinois FAQ
Is recreational cannabis legal in IL?
Recreational cannabis became legal to purchase, possess, and use in the state of Illinois on January 1, 2020, per the terms of the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act. Vendors must abide by a strict set of regulations pertaining to the sale of cannabis and cannabis-derived products.
On the consumer side, you should be aware of three main laws governing the use of recreational cannabis in Illinois. One, you must be over the age of 21 to buy cannabis and have ID to prove it. Two, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle where THC levels exceed 5 nanograms in blood within two hours of driving. Finally, there are legal limits to the amount of cannabis you can purchase and possess at any given time.
Is edible cannabis safer than smoked cannabis?
Market research indicates that edible cannabis is one of the fastest-growing products within the broader cannabis industry. The line commonly used in cannabis marketing is that ingesting cannabis-infused food and drink is a healthier alternative to smoking, as the act of igniting and inhaling smoke has been shown to injure airway cell lining and lead to conditions like chronic cough and acute bronchitis.
But edibles carry their own set of risks—mostly from people overdoing it, given the delayed effects of ingested cannabis can cause users to ingest too much too fast. Make sure to reference edibles dosing guides before consuming.
Can I use medical cannabis if I’m under 21 in IL?
The prescription and use of medical cannabis to minors and those aged under 21 is governed by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act and 105 ILCS 5/22-33, otherwise known as Ashley’s Law. The Illinois Department of Public Health provides applications for minors and for those aged 18-20 seeking to obtain medical cannabis. Applicants must designate a caregiver and provide documentation of two certifications: an official assessment from a licensed physician and another from a reviewing physician based on the applicant’s records.
Where can I purchase cannabis paraphernalia in Saline County, IL?
You may purchase cannabis, cannabis-derived products, and cannabis paraphernalia from any licensed dispensary in Saline County, IL. Since cannabis paraphernalia is not regulated in the same way actual cannabis products are, you may purchase paraphernalia from other vendors, including online stores.
Common types of cannabis paraphernalia include hand pipes, water pipes, bongs, wax pens, and dab torches. They can also include grinders, bowls, roach clips, and canisters for storing cannabis. It is important to note that, like cannabis, you must be 21 or older to buy cannabis paraphernalia. If you intend on visiting a retailer of cannabis gear and paraphernalia, make sure you bring along an official form of ID.
Is it legal in IL to drive after consuming recreational cannabis?
In Illinois, cannabis is regulated much like alcohol. It is legal to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of cannabis as long as THC levels do not exceed 5 nanograms in your blood. It is illegal for cannabis to be used in a motor vehicle, and it cannot be transported across state lines (flying with medical marijuana across state lines is a bit more complicated). While in a motor vehicle, cannabis must be contained in a sealed, odor-proof, child-resistant container.
What is a THC concentrate?
THC concentrate is exactly what it sounds like – a highly potent, concentrated mass of the cannabinoid THC extracted from the cannabis plant. THC, also known as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis that can produce the “high” effect when smoked or ingested. Through extraction processes using intense pressure and either water, heat, dry ice, or solvents, THC can be concentrated into a wax, soft solid, or hard solid resin that produces a stronger effect when ingested. The most common way to ingest THC concentrate is a process called dabbing, in which the concentrate is heated to a smoke point the smoke is inhaled, generally producing an instantaneous effect.