6 easy ways to combat weed side effects

Smoking weed is a common pastime for adults everywhere, but many will also report common side effects along with the good times. The weed side effects are just as complicated as the plant itself. Certain strains accentuate specific benefits while others will aggravate them.
On top of that, everyone has a unique endocannabinoid system that dictates an individual experience with every product. Those worried should ask budtenders. They will likely know what side effects might accompany each product.
Certain types of weed are more apt to induce weed specific side effects compared to others. Smoking or vaping cannabis flower may incite paranoia, but dabs have far more THC. That means the paranoia or anxiety may be amplified in comparison. When it comes to edibles, munchies and dry eyes may be more vigorous than with certain strains of flower.
Once identified, it may be possible to avoid products that aggravate things like anxiety or depression, but not always. When an unwanted problem arises, these home remedies may help ease the experience.
There is no tried and true remedy for paranoia, but some self-care habits have helped people experiencing it. Weed-induced paranoia doesn’t look like it’s portrayed in the film, for many, it’s more internal.
The amygdala, part of the brain that regulates paranoia, has a lot of endocannabinoid receptors. THC binds strongly with these receptors when consuming weed, which is why people high, but also sometimes paranoid.
When this happens, consider journaling. Positive self-talk and working through the paranoid ideas may offset their power. This process can lead to questioning, challenging, and testing the paranoid thoughts. If this doesn’t work, maybe go outside.
The amygdala also regulates anxiety, which is why sometimes weed aggravates the condition. Even people who aren’t predisposed may feel anxious after consuming certain weed strains. Brewing a hot cup of chamomile tea or pulling out relaxing essential oils doesn’t hurt in anxious moments.
Another way to offset anxiety-filled moments is by practicing mindfulness. This isn’t always possible in extreme moments, but those who can should practice breathing exercises or even slow, deep breaths in an attempt to calm the nervous system. When this feels too hard, consider walking barefoot in green grass or feeling the wind blow, getting outside may be helpful.
Cannabis and depression are a complicated combo. Much like anxiety and paranoia, the plant can either help or hurt. The way the tide turns is dose-dependent. Depression is also partially regulated by the amygdala.
When people are in depressive episodes, it can sometimes be hard to do anything at all. Those who are feeling blue and still have the energy to get up could try a few things. Consider going for a walk, putting on an upbeat album and dancing, or stepping outside to appreciate nature. Anyone experiencing extreme depression or a depressive episode that has drastically inhibited their lives should seek professional help.
Not everyone wants to crush a bag of chips at once, but some cannabis strains inspire just that. Some people want this in a weed variety, but those who don’t may want to avoid munchies-inducing products.
If it is unavoidable, the best bet is to have a preferred snack prepared in the wings before consuming. This directs cannabis munchies towards vegetables rather than cookies for those avoiding specific foods or ingredients. Another option is to choose varieties or products with lots of THCV, a cannabinoid said to be an appetite suppressant.
Dry mouth
Lots of stoners get a dry mouth after lighting up. It’s so common that there’s slang for the experience: cottonmouth. The official name is xerostomia, a condition where there isn’t enough saliva to keep the mouth wet.
Luckily, this is an easy fix. Literally, just drink some water. No, not sparkling water, still, fresh H20. This isn’t only to make a high comfier, it can help keep the mouth healthy and breath fresh.
Dry eyes
Red, bleary eyes are another common trope for cannabis connoisseurs, but it’s also an easy fix. There are tons of artificial tears on the market that help all kinds of people, not just stoners. These can be helpful when a strain causes uncomfortably dry eyes. Some brands also reduce redness, which is ideal for anyone consuming on the down low.
Unstoppable side effects
There are some side effects that home remedies won’t fix. Smoking weed can make people lose balance, have delayed reactions, and alter their perception of time. Unfortunately, these things can’t be stopped. That is why no one should drive or be in any position to make risky decisions while under the influence. These can’t be avoided; always err on the side of caution and be safe.
The side effects of cannabis are no joke. While the plant has shown to have positive benefits for patients with countless symptoms and fun for recreational consumers in many states, it’s got its downsides. These are some ways to avoid some of them, like dry eyes and dry mouth, or offset the intensity of anxious, depressed, or paranoid experiences. That said, remember that the cannabis experience is highly personal. One person’s high may not match others’.