Is Las Vegas the next cannatourism hotspot?

California and Colorado have become popular destinations for cannabis enthusiasts. They are places where smoking is legal and the weed is good. But another Western state may offer even more for your hash holiday. Lately, the Las Vegas’ tourism industry has seen a spike in cannabis tours and weed vacations.
We put together a quick guide to Sin City’s cannabis culture. Here’s what you may want to know about the rise of cannatourism in Las Vegas.
The Cannabis Market in Nevada
As of July 2017, Nevada is the fifth state in the United States to legalize the recreational use of cannabis. The state already allowed for the use of medical marijuana, but the new legislation opened up a whole new world of possibilities for consumers.
Cannabis law in Nevada states that you must be 18 to purchase cannabis with a medical card, or 21 to purchase cannabis for recreational use. You are allowed to possess up to 1oz of dried flower or 3.5 grams of concentrate at a time.
Since the change in legislation, the cannabis industry has boomed, with over 65 licensed dispensaries setting up shop in the area. And sales seem to be good, with the industry raking in more than $1 billion this fiscal year.
The Introduction of Cannabis Tourism in Nevada
Nevada has always had a well-established tourism industry, but cannatourism adds a whole new dimension to that dynamic. With Reno and Las Vegas being two well-known party destinations, it was easy for recreational cannabis dispensaries to move in and set up booming businesses.
The Alternative Medicine Association currently has a huge cultivation facility in Vegas that pumps out roughly 800 pounds of herb a month. This flower is then distributed to other cannabis facilities around the state, including the many recently approved cannabis consumption lounges that can be found around Las Vegas.
Plus, the facility itself runs tours for visitors who are interested in seeing where their favorite flower comes from. These tours alone are boosting the revenue and causing state legislators to consider allowing cannabis lounges in other cities in the state.
The Future of Cannabis Tourism in Nevada
With Las Vegas opening its doors to cannabis tourism, it’s only a matter of time before the many dispensaries around the area begin opening their own lounges and cannabis cafés, and the revenue from the industry there is only expected to grow.
Looking into the future of canna-tourism in Las Vegas, the big question remains whether hotels and casinos will allow visitors to enjoy recreational marijuana. As these facilities, unlike private dispensaries, are currently state-operated, it is currently illegal to enjoy recreational marijuana in these areas. However, if the laws changed, the opportunities for cannabis businesses in Vegas would skyrocket.
Either way, a visit to Las Vegas should be on your bucket list right now if you are a cannabis enthusiast. With these trends in canna-tourism, it’s a place where you can get your hands on some great herb and enjoy vacation with your favorite plant.