How to snag the best deals on cannabis this 4/20: The ultimate guide to affordable weed

For many cannabis users in the U.S., this Wednesday, April 20th, is the biggest shopping day of the year.
4/20 is nationally recognized as a day for celebrating cannabis—its health benefits, recreational pleasures, and everything else we love about the plant.
But this unofficial “day of weed” isn’t just an excuse to attend a weed festival or wear a leaf shirt. 4/20 also serves as a kind of Black (or should we say “green?”) Friday for the cannabis industry. In general, more legal cannabis is sold on 4/20 than any other day of the year.
What does that mean for you?
Almost every dispensary in the nation will be selling products at a discount on this monumental day. But to find the best discounts, you have to do some research.
Fortunately, we’ve done part of the homework for you. We poked around online to find 6 ways cannabis consumers can poise themselves to get the best deals on cannabis products this 4/20. Set yourself up for success with these easy steps, and your dream stash may be more obtainable than you think.
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1. Shop cannabis dispensaries with plenty of competition
4/20 is the time for users everywhere to make a joint effort and get high. Dispensaries are well aware of this and will offer promotions for their customer base ahead of time.
But while almost every dispensary will be discounting their products, some will offer bigger discounts than others. There’s very little regulation on the legal cannabis industry, so often cannabis dispensaries located far away from other dispensaries will hike up their prices, simply because they know they are the only cannabis seller in that area. Cannabis dispensaries located in large cities, meanwhile, will usually be more motivated to offer competitive discounts.
Shop around for the best deals near you. You can check the prices of dispensaries in other locations online to determine if any are worth the trip.
2. Sign up for dispensary newsletters
Newsletters can help customers in all industries stay up to date on deals, price changes, and more. But in the cannabis world, they’re essential.
Cannabis dispensaries have limited advertising opportunities. So if you are an avid weed consumer, it is in your best interest to sign up for several dispensary newsletters ahead of 4/20 so that you can find out about upcoming deals.
Make sure to do this before the holiday, as dispensaries will likely send something your way the morning of 4/20.
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3. Buy discounted cannabis products in bulk
If you find a good deal, take it. Weed stays good for a long time since it is cured and dried before hitting the shelf, and buying in bulk will save you money in the long run if you consume cannabis regularly.
Make sure you store it properly if you try to make it last. Keep it in a cool, dry place, and away from kids and pets. See our guidelines on best practices for storing weed for more information.
4. Sign up for cannabis loyalty programs
Before the holiday, you can sign up for loyalty programs. They give amazing benefits to those who will return for more, meaning you could be reaping the rewards of your 4/20 haul for the next year.
Dispensary loyalty programs generally offer exclusive deals, first dibs, coupons, and more.
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5. Switch It Up
Do you usually smoke flower? Have you tried an edible before?
If you aren’t finding the best deals on the products you are looking for, it could be time to expand your horizons.
As weed becomes legalized in more states, a wide variety of products have hit shelves across the US. Now, rather than always having to smoke weed, you can consume cannabis tinctures, eat cannabis edibles, sip a cannabis-infused drink, try cannabis concentrates, and more.
Just remember that the effects of THC will probably hit you differently when you switch consumption methods. Many cannabis health experts recommend starting with a low dose and working your way up as your tolerance allows.
6. Buy New Paraphernalia
Finally, take a look at the paraphernalia the dispensary has for sale. We aren’t celebrating just weed. We are celebrating the culture surrounding it and the leaps we have made over the years through education, scientific discovery, and legislation.
New products hit the shelf every day, and if you’ve been eyeing a particular item, you might find it on sale this week.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to snag the “high”-est quality deals this 4/20. All that’s left for you to do is get out there and build the stash of your dreams.